PurseWorthy.ee does its homework when it comes to pricing Louis Vuitton products and product lines. We take the time to look at all of the pertinent information: pricing, bag sizes, colors, what is available for the year and other details that help our team match the replica bags to the authentic as closely as possible. This includes the bag lines and the rest of the Louis Vuitton product line. This blog is going to concentrate on one of Louis Vuitton’s classic and most sought after pieces: the Louis Vuitton Speedy Bag. The bag design dates back to the 1930’s and is the first of the Louis Vuitton bag line for daily carry. The Speedy Bag’s design is based on one of Louis Vuitton’s other classic bag line members: The Keepall.
The Speedy started in the 30cm size (Cm being the measurement for the width of the bag’s front panel. All Louis Vuitton measurements are in metric.) before the actress Audrey Hepburn was interested in a smaller bag. Thus the 25cm bag entered the market in 1959. It was not until 2016 that the Speedy bag became available in four sizes, along with the super-small version: The Nano. PurseWorthy.ee has compiled a full list of the Speedy line for you – including important details like pictures and comparison prices in U.S. dollars. This way shrewd shoppers can find the perfect bag for their needs and not need to break the bank to do so.
Year Created: 1930
Sizes Currently Available at PurseWorthy.ee: Nano, 25, 30, 35, 40 (Indicates measurement across the front of the bag in centimeters.)
Availability: PurseWorthy.ee
Louis Vuitton Nano Speedy
6.3″ W x 4.3″ H x 3.5″ D
$955 in Monogram Canvas Only - $130.00 Replica
Louis Vuitton Speedy 25
9.8″ W x 7.5″ H x 5.9″ D
$950 in Monogram, Damier Ebene or Damier Azur Canvas - $222.00 Replica
Louis Vuitton Speedy 25 Bandoulière
9.8″ W x 7.5″ H x 5.9″ D
$1,370 in Monogram, Damier Ebene or Damier Azur Canvas - $222.00 Replica
Louis Vuitton Speedy 30
11.8″ W x 8.3″ H x 6.7″ D
$970 in Monogram, Damier Ebene or Damier Azur Canvas - $227.00 Replica
Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 Bandoulière
11.8″ W x 8.3″ H x 6.7″ D
$1,390 in Monogram, Damier Ebene or Damier Azur Canvas - $227.00 Replica
Louis Vuitton Speedy 35
13.8″ W x 9.1″ H x 7.1″ D
$990 in Monogram, Damier Ebene or Damier Azur Canvas - $241.00 Replica
Louis Vuitton Speedy 35 Bandoulière
13.8″ W x 9.1″ H x 7.1″ D
$1,410 in Monogram, Damier Ebene or Damier Azur Canvas - $241.00 Replica
Louis Vuitton Speedy 40
15.7″ W x 9.8″ H x 7.5″ D
$1,010 in Monogram Canvas - $431.00 Replica
Louis Vuitton Speedy 40 Bandoulière
15.7″ W x 9.8″ H x 7.5″ D
$1,430 in Monogram Canvas - $431.00 Replica
PurseWorthy.ee is your home for the best in Louis Vuitton replica bags, accessories and products. We take the authentic piece and dissect it. This way you can be sure your replica bag is as close to the original as possible and will pass as the real thing to all but the most discerning eye.
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